Escort nominated at the 2020 L.I.M.P.A awards.

Other Brother Studios funded film Escort, directed by Gyulyara Meliki has been nominated at the 2020 L.I.M.P.A Awards. Escort is nominated for ‘Best Fiction Short Film’.

This nomination comes off the back of a growing list of festival selections and award nominations for Gyulyara’s short, including:

  • 2020 London Lift-Off Film Festival

  • BAFTA qualifying 2020 Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

  • 2020 Russian International Horror Film Awards

  • Arkie Reece Best Actor nominee 2020 Annual Movie Awards

  • 2020 Unrestricted view Film Festival

  • 2020 New York Lift-Off Film Festival

  • 2020 BELIFF - Be Epic! Film Fest London

  • 2020 British Urban Film Festival