A psychological thriller focusing on fracturing of interpersonal relationships between young women. A first year student starting at an elite university is drawn into an exclusive clique, and begins to form an unhealthy attachment to the leader. With rising tensions, stark revelations and a sudden suicide, questions are raised on how far one is willing to go after rejection.

showing at film festivals

OFFICIAL SELECTION Student World Impact Film Festival, UK 2023


Writer + Director: Mojola Akinyemi

Executive Producers: Matthew Lawes-WickwarMarlena Hellebø

Producers: Alex Campbell & James Macnab

Director of Photography: Antoine Ruello

Editor: Joseph Bushell

1st AD: Arianna Muñoz

2nd AD: Sophie Stemmons & Flo Winkley

Script Supervisor: Anna Freeman

Production Designer: Elsa Soares

Assistant Production Designer: Eszter Bencsik

Costume Designer: Abbie Schneebecke

Sound Recordist: Isabelle Chisholm

Sound Designer: Laura Al Yousif

Camera Operators: Emlyn John & Lidia Bieniarz

Hair & Makeup Artist: Cath Churchill

Production Assistant: Jay Ayliffe

Mentor: Ashleigh Ashley

Publicity Designers: Leona Kouame & Clara Lamiter-Walter & Chloe Kelly


Michaela: Sarah Mulgrew

Gette: Gaia Mondadori

Julia: Fuschia Webb

Matthew: Arthur Goggin

Lee: Theo Collins

Ted: Jack Medlin

Tara: Ella Beaudoin

Carmen: Rachel Oyawale

Supporting Cast: Sol Aberman, Johanna Lee, Flora Macangus, Lillian Jones, Guy Makey, Carl Lawrence, Jess Chapman, Dion Everett, Kitty Ford, Emily Morley, Aurelia Eulenburg, Tess Bottomley, Simona Trombetta, Anna-Maria Woodrow